Thursday, February 5, 2015

Baking Center

I love to bake! But I hate the clutter that comes with baking: measuring cups, spoons, pans, racks and endless dry goods ingredients. I wanted to create a space in my kitchen that would house all these things. I recently moved my pantry into my old laundry room. The original pantry was just housing extra kitchen "stuff". See photo below!

After browsing Pinterest I found an idea that would fit the space:

I then called my talented carpenter and after a few measurements he created this:

Then I decided to paint the unit to blend in with the rest of the kitchen. 

Now here's where the fun came in!  I wanted to free up the counter space so I bought restaurant steam table containers from Amazon for flour and sugar to fit inside top drawer. The second drawer holds glass measuring cups and cookie cutters and the bottom drawer is filled with cupcake tins, cooling racks and  cake pans!  I love that everything is in one place!!

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